We have daily outbound shipping via UPS, as well as on-call shipping via FedEx and LTL trucking. We have in-house facilities to weigh count parts, heat seal them in plastic bags, label the bags, pack a number of bags in a shipping container, and label the container.
Our most typical application is when a customer ships us parts in bulk along with specific packing instructions and very specific packing materials. We begin by processing the parts to the customer’s specification, weigh count parts and load specified quantities into plastic bags. We heat seal and label the bags with computer printed labels, pack a specified number of bags in a finished shipping container, label the shipping container with a computer printed label, and even orient the shipping containers in a specified orientation on a pallet which is finally shrink wrapped.
A very different case is when parts are simply LATE and considerable collateral expenses are being, or soon to be, incurred. Typically, quantities of parts involved are much smaller than the case above, because what is critical is enough parts to keep some line running tomorrow. Our response to such cases matches the urgency. We typically run these parts upon receipt, pack as specified, and ship as soon as possible. This often includes our delivering finished, packed parts to a UPS hub as late as 7PM so they can arrive anywhere in the USA the next day via UPS RED.
We believe this service provides great value to our customers. True, our per unit cost might not be the lowest around, but when one considers savings in shipping costs to a packing supplier as well as savings of days of lead time we think you will agree.